
DropBox is a file hosting service. If you want to use Dropbox as a storage backend in the django project to host media files in Dropbox cloud storage, you can use this package.

Run this command to install Dropbox SDK for Python:

pip install django-cloud-storages[dropbox]


  1. To use DropBoxStorage as default storage (for all the models) add the following configuration in settings.py:

# django < 4.2
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = "cloud_storages.backends.dropbox.DropBoxStorage"

# django >= 4.2
STORAGES = {"default": {"BACKEND": "cloud_storages.backends.dropbox.DropBoxStorage"}}

Or, you can use DropBoxStorage only for specific model:

from cloud_storages.backends.dropbox import DropBoxStorage

custom_storage = DropBoxStorage()

class Car(models.Model):
    photo = models.ImageField(storage=custom_storage)

or, Use DropBoxStorage only for specific model using a callable:

from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
from cloud_storages.backends.dropbox import DropBoxStorage

def select_storage():
    return default_storage if settings.DEBUG else DropBoxStorage()

class Car(models.Model):
    photo = models.ImageField(storage=select_storage)

NOTE: If you do not specify storage parameter in a model field, the storage backend defined in DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE will be used for the model fields.

  1. Now, set the following variables in settings.py:


Your Dropbox access token. You can obtain one by following the instructions in the tutorial.


Your Dropbox refresh token. You can obtain one by following the instructions in the tutorial.


Your Dropbox App Key. Sign in to DropBox Developers and go to App Console and create/select an app to obtain your App Key.


Your Dropbox App Secret. Sign in to DropBox Developers and go to App Console and create/select an app to obtain your App Secret.

DROPBOX_ROOT_PATH (optional, default "/")

Path which will prefix all uploaded files. Must begin with a /. This is the root directory inside that all the uploaded contents will be saved.

DROPBOX_TIMEOUT (optional, default 100)

Timeout in seconds for requests to the API. If None, the client will wait forever. Request will wait for that time to get response.

DROPBOX_WRITE_MODE (optional, default "add")

Sets the Dropbox WriteMode strategy. Read more in the official docs.

DROPBOX_PERMANENT_LINK (optional, default False)

To get the URL of the file (stored in cloud storage) django call url() method of the Storage class. In case of Dropbox storage backend this method return a temporary link of the stored file, i.e at every request you will get a different url for the file. If you want to get a permanent link (will be same in every request), set this setting to True. Also in url() method call, you can pass the parameter permanent_link (value: True or False).


If it set to False, then during the new file upload/save if it find that a file is already exists in your storage with the same file name and also have same file’s content, it will not save the new file in the cloud instead it just return the path of that existing file. If set to True, it will save the file anyway.

OVERWRITE_FILE (optional, default False)

If it set to True, then during saving a file in cloud if the storage backend find that another file with the same name (but may have different contents) exists in the cloud, then it will delete the existing file from the cloud and save the new file. When set to False, it will not delete the existing file from the cloud, instead it will save the new by modifying the name of the new file to avoid conflict.


You can obtain the access token and refresh token manually via APP_KEY and APP_SECRET.


I. Go to your app from DropBox Developers’s App Console, then in your app go to Permissions tab and enable the permissions. If you have not sign up in Dropbox with a work email, then do not enable the permissions under the Team Scopes.

  1. Go to this link:

Replace the APP_KEY with your app key. It will display your ACCESS_TOKEN, set the value to the DROPBOX_OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN.


Using your APP_KEY, APP_SECRET and ACCESS_TOKEN obtain the refresh token.

Execute this script in a shell.

curl https://api.dropbox.com/oauth2/token \
-d code=ACCESS_TOKEN \
-d grant_type=authorization_code \
-d client_id=APP_KEY \
-d client_secret=APP_SECRET

The response would be:

   "access_token": "sl.************************",
   "token_type": "bearer",
   "expires_in": 14400,
   "refresh_token": "************************", <-- your REFRESH_TOKEN
   "scope": <SCOPES>,
   "uid": "************************",
   "account_id": "dbid:************************"